


Let's Learn Assembly!

A Talk by

$> whoami

  Nikhil Kumar

  I research on random things

  I make random things and then test
  them on myself!

  Also, learning security concepts
  day by day



It worked on other devices too!

Thanks to these communities

What you'll learn today

- x86

- Basic Instructions

- Writing ASM

- How to reverse engineer?

But, Why RE ?

- Curiosity

- Keygen/Trainers/Cracks

- Exploit Development

- Propriety Applications

Let's talk about memory!

  A byte == 0 - 255

         == 0x00 - 0xff

         == 0b00000000 - 0b11111111

2**32 bytes of addressable memory space
== 4 Gibibytes ≈ 4 Gigabytes
0x00000000 - 0xffffffff

2**64 bytes of addressable memory space
== 16 Exbibytes ≈ 16 Exabytes
0x0000000000000000 - 0xffffffffffffffff

Memory Layout

- Why 0x7fffffff and not 0xffffffff?

- INT32 signed is two's complement!
  So, hex((2**(32-1))-1) == 0x7fffffff!

The CODE/TEXT segment stores the executable address space and is generally read-only and of fixed size.

RODATA/DATA/BSS in next slide!

HEAP - You all know about this!

STACK - LIFO/Higher region in memory.

.BSS segment - uninitialized data and ZERO initialized data

int x;

un/signed int x;

un/signed int x[2];

int x = 0x0;

un/signed int x = 0x0;

un/signed int x[2] = {0x0,0x0};

.data segment - initialized data

int x = 0x1;

un/signed int x = 0x1;

un/signed int x[2] = {0x1,0x2};

.rodata segment - constant data

const int x;

const un/signed int x;

const un/signed int x[2];

const int x = 0x0;

const un/signed int x = 0x0;

const un/signed int x[2] = {0x0,0x0};


The fastest memory

General Purpose:

AL/AH/AX/EAX/RAX - Accumulator - stores intermediate arithmetic/logic values and return values

BL/BH/BX/EBX/RBX - stores base index (arrays)

CL/CH/CX/ECX/RCX - loop counter

DL/DH/DX/EDX/RDX - extends the precision of Accumulator (EAX/RAX)

IP/EIP/RIP - Instruction Pointer

SIL/SI/ESI/RSI - Source Index - for string operations

DIL/DI/EDI/RDI - Destination Index - for string operations

SPL/SP/ESP/RSP - Stack Pointer - points
the top address of stack

BPL/BP/EBP/RBP - Base Pointer - points the
base address (stack address) of current stack frame

NOTE : SIL/DIL/SPL/BPL are only available in 64bit mode

Other Registers:

r8-r15 (64bit only), EFLAGS/RFLAGS(ZF/PF/CF/etc)

et cetra (Check out the wikipedia page)

Syscalls: (What is this?)

syscall number -> EAX/RAX

arg0 -> EBX/RDI

arg1 - ECX/RSI

arg2 - EDX/RDX

arg3 - ESI/R10

arg4 - EDI/R8

arg5 - EBP/R9


 |----------------| -> R* (64bit)

         |--------| -> E* (32bit)

             |----| -> *X/*S/*P/*I/IP (16bit)

             |--|   -> *H (upper 8bits of ^)

               |--| -> *L (rest of the bits)



Converts high-level code (source) to
ELF/machine code (1 || 0/hex)

Example : GCC/G++ (C/C++), GHC (haskell),
Delphi (pascal), etc

AT&T format <inst> <src>, <dst>

Hello World

INTEL format <inst> <dst>, <src>



PUSH -> pushes a value to the top of the stack!

PULL -> pops the topmost value from stack!

MOV  -> sets a value to specified register/memory


Common arithmetic instructions

INC -> Increment by 1

DEC -> Decrement by 1


Common logical instructions

SHL/SHR -> Shift Left/Right -> Byte shifters

JMP and conditions/CMP

JMP -> rewrites the RIP to preferred address

JE  -> jump when equal

JNE -> jump when not equal

JZ  -> jump when last result was zero

JG  -> jump when greater than

JGE -> jump when greater than or equal to

JL  -> jump when less than

JLE -> jump when less than or equal to

CMP -> (brother of SUB) compares and changes ZF


f i n

Thank You! :D